Last night I managed to catch the last quarter of an excellent documentary on BBC2 presented by Kirsty Wark called – ‘Blurred Lines – A New Battle of the Sexes?’ In the programme Ms Wark asked whether the internet was now a place of hostility towards women as demonstrated by the level of abuse, much of it of a sexual nature, Professor Mary Beard received online after her appearance on Question Time.
What really resonated with me however was when Ms Wark spoke to three very young women about whether a level of sexual aggression from boys was a reality. One of the young women described being at a recent party where many of the boys were groping and grabbing the girls as they wished. Kirsty asked how the girls reacted, wondering did they not have the confidence to tell the boys to stop. The young women replied that no, she didn’t think that many of the girls even realised that they were entitled to say stop or no. She seemed to think that may of her peers just thought that was part of being a girl. Kristy then asked the young women what their greatest fear was in this regard. They all agreed that being sexually assaulted and it being filmed and photographed for social media was their greatest fear.
I found this chilling and depressing but also it made me very angry.
Earlier yesterday I had been trying to find out, for a friend (yes seriously) about an Australian ‘act’ called The Janoskians who are coming to Dublin and Belfast at the end of the summer.
The Janoskians are, according to Ticketmaster “… a group of five best friends who brew ‘social disturbance’ and capture it on camera and churn out infectious and incisive punked-out pop anthems”.
I asked my own two teenage daughters about them and was told that yeah they are ‘hilarious’, that they do ‘prank videos’ on YouTube and that they can’t sing but that’s not a problem as they are auto tuned anyway! Is Simon Cowell responsible for the death of music and talent? But I digress… as usual.
It is very difficult to find any independent reviews of their shows online. Google searches seem to churn up lots of PR related guff. But there was one review which was posted on an Australian parenting and lifestyle website called The reviewer Tara Lee, described as a mother from Sydney, begins by saying that she was expecting “gross pranks, silly skits, stunts where they harm each other or themselves.” She was also expecting a level of cursing and swearing. But says she “found it a little shocking when they came out and said to their audience “girls, shut the f*ck up!” — and warned parents there would be quite a lot of swearing and said that if we didn’t like it we could get our kid and “f*ck off”.
So far so very teenage I guess. And we all know that teenagers love rebellion and shocking the rest of us. But what didn’t shock as much as repulse me, was how they treated their fans – mostly young girls (they are a good looking group).
Tara goes on to say.. “at Q&A time, when asked about what their favourite body part was, one boy said that while he liked a good tit, he preferred arse and commented on how many great arses there were at the meet and greet. Then it progressed to how the Sydney girls were sexy bitches, corrected by another on-stage star to “sexy SLUTS”. This prompted cheers from the audience, who seemed to think this was a good thing”.
You can read the full review here and if you have a few hours to spare you can go on to read the comments where the fans respond to Ms Lee. Suffice to say that their loyalty is unwavering just like One Directioners and Beliebers before that. The clever use of social media by The Janoskians is a huge part of keeping their fans ‘loyal’. “They love us and care for us… they tweet us all the time saying that” the fans say. Oh dear.
But seriously when did it become OK for a bunch of guys call young girls ‘sluts’ and reduce them to lumps of meat commenting on the tits and ass quality of the audience. But for me the far more worrying element of all this is that the girls think this is quite OK and even love it.
One hundred years after the women’s movement began to make serious strides we have produced a generation of well educated girls who think that this is OK? Or do they? Or are they like the trio that Kirsty Wark spoke to who are in fear of someday being abused sexually and the event being posted online? Either way it’s an appalling vista.
Parents have to step up to the plate and we have to up our game. I have written before about the power of online porn and the fact that saying “I have parental block on my computers at home” will protect your children. It won’t. We just can no longer protect our children from sexually explicit content online. In order to combat its messages we must change our conversations around sex. No longer is the conversation merely about the birds and bees and joy of sex and committed relationships but also must now include talk about oral sex, threesomes and the like. I am not for one second saying this is an easy conversation to have with a 13 or 14 year old. It’s not but we have to ‘woman’ up and do it.
In ten days or so that other paragon of all that’s wrong with pop culture, Miley Cyrus rides into town for her concert in the O2. According to a review of her London shows by another mother, Annabel Cole (Irish Daily Mail 9thMay) who took her 14 year old daughter, along with Miley’s crotch, ass and tongue being a huge part of her show, she also encourages our children to “make out with each other and use lots of tongue”. She apparently also extolled the virtue of smoking saying “I smoked for three years and I loved it but weed is much better than smoking…. this show is nearly over and I will be stoned very shortly.” There were children as young as nine in the audience.
So parents it’s time we wised up. Its take our heads out of the sand. Miley Cyrus has long ago left her Hannah Montana days behind her and The Janoskians may not be quite as hilarious as the PR says.
But more importantly it is time for us to ensure our daughters have the courage to understand that they do not have to be sexually available all the time. We must help them find their voices to shout NO. And we must make absolutely sure that our boys understand exactly what consent is.
And we must do this against the barrage of pop culture with icons way cooler than we ever were spreading messages that are exactly the opposite.
I saw that programme too. I was disturbed and upset by it. I would have thought that the recent high-profile court cases involving men in the media who thought it was ok to grope girls many years ago but are now getting their 'comeuppance', would be a good example to today's youngsters but it would seem that things are getting worse not better. I worry for my grandkids.
This is eye-opening, sobering stuff – my eldest girl is six so I have no idea about this side of parenting yet. I don't know yet what conversations I can have to protect them but staying informed on what's out there feels like a good first step
No argument, but you have to wonder what men are doing about this. It's persistently reported on as a women's issue, but it's not, really. It is about how young men are brought up, socialised, and parented, and about the roles of fathers in teaching their sons.
None of this is remotely surprising to me (more's the pity) as I've long been a therapist for the age group you are discussing. Waking up is indeed the answer – deciding what is important to us in our lives – do we want to be 'cool' parents or present parents? My kids are old, my step-kids entering their twenties and I have grand-kids from 2 months to 14 yrs. And while I agree in principle with you Anthony I don't think women should wait for men around them to wake up and cowboy-up. Nor, if it happens to be the men in children's lives who are being conscious should they wait for the women. I do agree it is not a women's issue – it is a humankind issue and paramount in changing the world. If there is no respect for half the population nothing will further.