I know that many of the visitors to my Kitchen Table are writers and so I am delighted bring to your attention a great new writing website which has launched called Writing.ie.

Writing.ie has been created by Vanessa O’Loughlin of Inkwell Writers fame. I jest not, nor do I exaggerate. Vanessa is a literary legend in Ireland and a wonderful support to writers, both successful and struggling. You will see her in person on the home page of writing.ie where she will address you directly (press the arrow yoke).

But back to business, writing.ie (is the name burned into your brain yet) has lots of information which writers will find, useful (see the toolbox section), interesting (meet lots of great authors) and perhaps amusing (see Monday Miscellany penned by a struggling but wonderful writer, called Barbara Scully).

Along with listing events and relevant courses, writing.ie will in the future feature articles on all aspects of writing offering hints and advice. There are guest blogs and an interactive forum.

So, head on over and check it out. But more importantly, visit often as this is a website which will be constantly updated with information writers can’t afford to miss.

Congratulations Vanessa – May God bless her and all who sail in her!